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Tectonic Studies Talladega and Carolina Slate Belts

Tectonic Studies Talladega and Carolina Slate Belts

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Full Title: Tectonic Studies in the Talladega and Carolina Slate Belts, Southern Appalachian Orogen

Editors: Denny N. Bearce, William W. Black, Stephen A. Kish, and James F. Tull

A modern comprehensive synthesis of the geology of the Talladega slate belt, which forms the frontal crystalline thrust sheet of the southernmost exposed Appalachians of Alabama and Georgia. Here exists a unique stratigraphic sequence significant in the understanding of Appalachian tectonic history. These 16 papers highlight recent research and the resulting expanded data base and emphasize new interpretations of the regional geology. Part I of this volume focuses on the Talladega slate belt on the northwest side of the Appalachian orogen in Alabama and Georgia; Part II focuses on the Carolina slate belt on the southeast side of the orogen in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 12/28/1982

ISBN Number: 0813721911

Pages: 164

Product Category: EBooks