Full Title: The Grenville Event in the Appalachians and Related Topics
Editor: Mervin J. Bartholomew
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For many years it has generally been recognized that rocks affected by the "Grenville Event," about 1 b.y. ago, formed the crystalline basement on which later rock accumulated. These 16 papers provide the first synopsis on these basement rocks and lay a foundation for future investigations. The papers are presented in a geographical order, from the exhaustive summary of the Adirondacks of New York to the tectonics of the Pine Mountain window of Georgia and Alabama. In addition, a variety of special topics is treated, including a comprehensive study of the Reading Prong and detailed petrologic investigations of the Honey Brook Upland and the Roseland District. A bold, brilliant synthesis!
Published: 3/08/1984
ISBN Number: 081372194
Pages: 295
Product Category: Special Papers