Full Title: Mastodon-Bearing Springs and Late Quaternary Geochronology of the Lower Pomme de Terre Valley, Missouri
Author: C. Vance Haynes, Jr.
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Through the years, springs in the valley of the lower Pomme de Terre River in Missouri have produced mastodon bones, stone projectile points, and other artifacts that have provided the most complete record of geologic-climate events in the mid-continent in the past 100,000 years. The author's 14 consecutive field seasons of scientific excavations of alluvial deposits have provided a radiocarbon-dated (154 analyses) chronostratigraphic sequence in 4 terranes reflecting 5 major episodes of aggradation and degradation. Some of the terranes contain bone beds associated with peat lenses containing pollen, plant, and beetle remains, all of which have provided paleoecologic data. The author has been noted for years for excellent stratigraphic work. In this book, he provides the best dated late Quaternary stratigraphic framework in the mid-continent. This should be required reading for all fluvial geomorphologists and archaeologists.
Published: 9/19/1985
ISBN Number: 0813722047
Pages: 35
Product Category: Special Papers