Full Title: Paleosols and Weathering Through Geologic Time: Principles and Applications
Editors: Juergen Reinhardt and Wayne R. Sigleo
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A timely, unique volume, especially interesting because of growing recognition that paleosols (Ps) contain such a treasure of clues to tectonics, structural geology, erosional history, geography, geomorphology, and climate that they can no longer be ignored. The time may be right to extend the use of Ps through the geologic time scale. Nine papers deal with Recognition of Ps; Ps and the Evolution of the Atmosphere; Recognition and Chemical Characterization; Pedogenesis, Ground-water, Topographic, and Tectonic Controls; Interpretation for Profiles Exhibiting Subaerial Exposure Crusts from the Mississippian; Calcareous Ps in the Triassic Dolores Formation; Ps from some Cretaceous Environments in the southeastern U.S.; Pedofacies Analysis, A New Approach to Reconstructing Ancient Fluvial Sequences; and Climatic Influences on Rates and Processes of Soil Development in Quaternary Deposits of Southern California.
Published: 3/04/1988
ISBN Number: 0813722160
Pages: 181
Product Category: Special Papers