Full Title: Geometries and Mechanisms of Thrusting, with Special Reference to the Appalachians
Editor: Gautam Mitra and Steven Wojtal
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Nearly two decades have passed since the Cloos and Billings memorial volumes (Fisher et al., 1970; Zen et al., 1970), the now classic reports on Appalachian geology. Since then, there has been an increase of academic and industrial interest in the structure and evolution of fold-and-thrust belts, producing better understanding of these structures and spawning new ideas on how thrust structures develop. The aim of this volume is to provide, in a single source, much of this new work on thrust geometry and mechanisms and up-to-date, small-scale to regional-scale structural studies of fold-and-thrust belts. Most papers interpret structures within the Appalachian-Caledonian orogen.
Published: 12/08/1988
ISBN Number: 0813722225
Pages: 236
Product Category: Special Papers