Full Title: Evolution of the Conjugate East African-Madagascan Margins and the Western Somali Basin
Authors: Millard F. Coffin and Philip D. Rabinowitz
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The geologic evolution of the conjugate sedimentary basins and margins produced during the early breakup of Gondwanaland by the relative motion between Madagascar and Africa is reconstructed in this paper, utilizing interpretations drawn from outcrop, industrial onshore drilling, DSDP offshore drilling, Lamont-Doherty multichannel seismic (MCS) data, and single-channel seismic data. Included are maps displaying lithological columnar sections for Karroo (Permo-Carboniferous through Early Jurassic) to Quaternary time slices, depth-to-basement and sediment isopach maps, and acoustic stratigraphy studies based on MCS data.
Published: 12/08/1988
ISBN Number: 0813722238
Pages: 78
Product Category: Special Papers