Editor: Don J. Easterbrook
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Accurate age determination of Quaternary deposits has long been a particularly important factor in interpreting the glacial history of the world. The papers in this volume are an outgrowth of a 1982 symposium on dating methods sponsored by the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division of the Geological Society of America. These discuss new developments for selected dating methods, such as fission-track dating, thermoluminesence dating, amino-acid dating of wood and related problems, aminostratigraphy of Quaternary mollusks, paleomagnetism of Quaternary sediments, measurement of microfabric by magnetic anisotropy, and others. Examples are provided on how application of multiple dating methods—fission track, paleomagnetic, and tepra-chronology—can be used effectively to solve complex geologic problems.
Published: 11/07/1988
ISBN Number: 0813722276
Pages: 165
Product Category: Special Papers