Editor: R.D. Dallmeyer
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Not just another "late-tectonic" reconstruction volume, this is a comprehensive geologic summary which enables regional syntheses. The authors describe initial efforts to apply terrane-tectonic concepts to the Paleozoic orogens of the circum-Atlantic region. Although similar studies are well-advanced in the younger orogens of the Western American Cordillera, application of these concepts in the older, more deeply eroded Palozoic orogens is much more complicated and requires consideration of some basic modifications of the terrane concepts as derived in the Cordillera. These modifications are detailed, making this a valuable reference guide for those attempting to carry out tectonic, stratigraphic, structural, and/or paleontologic correlations in the circum-Atlantic region. Indeed, this is the first truly comprehensive collection of papers treating the entire circum-Atlantic realm, including such previously untreated areas as West Africa, central Europe, and Svalbard. Each paper provides an in-depth summary of pertinent stratigraphic, paleontologic, and/or structural characteristics of each of the terranes described.
Published: 4/28/1989
ISBN Number: 0813722306
Pages: 277
Product Category: Special Papers