Full Title: Landslide Processes of the Eastern United States and Puerto Rico
Editors: Arthur P. Schultz and Randall W. Jibson
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Presents the results of recent, detailed field investigations of landslide processes in the eastern United States and Puerto Rico. These studies document the interdependence of topography, climate, and geology and include descriptions of catastrophic slope failures associated with large storms, large prehistoric landslides on dip slopes, and frost-induced rock creep and topple. How bedrock lithology and geologic structure control debris flow distribution and intensity is shown in a variety of geomorphic and climatic settings. Studies of large, ancient landslides in sedimentary rocks are presented, and problems of their recognition, genesis, and distribution are discussed. Quantitative measurements of the effects of cyclic frost wedging on quartzite bedrocks in New England complete the volume. Here is a basis for much continued work on slope evolution and landslide process and the foundation for predictive models of slope failures.
Published: 5/03/1989
ISBN Number: 0813722365
Pages: 102
Product Category: Special Papers