Editors: Suzanne Mahlburg Kay and Carlos W. Rapela
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This volume reports the results of a conference on Circum-Pacific granitoids sponsored by IGCP Project 249, "Andean Magmatism and its Tectonic Setting," in Tucaman, Argentina. The primary objectives were to define the characteristics and tectonic setting of Phanerozoic Andean plutonic rocks and to compare them with other Circum-Pacific granitoids. Andean plutonism is particularly interesting because the Andes have long been considered to be the type section of an active continental margin. The resultant papers discuss the diverse forms of plutonism in most of the major late Precambrian to Tertiary plutonic provinces of the Andes and its geology relative to the Antarctica Peninsula, as well as to intraoceanic Alaska and the Cordillera of the western U.S. This work should serve as a starting place for anyone interested in Phanerozoic plutons and their tectonic setting in the Andes. This volume represents the work of authors from ten countries, and it includes new data, new interpretations, and summaries of information that have not been previously published in English. Related: MWR159.
Published: 7/31/1990
ISBN Number: 0813722411
Pages: 263
Product Category: Special Papers