Full Title: Ore-bearing Granite Systems: Petrogenesis and Mineralizing Processes
Editors: Holly J. Stein and Judith L. Hannah
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Twenty-one papers examine the formation of granites and related ore deposits, on scales ranging from atoms to continents. The breadth of topics includes tectonic setting, chemistry and mineralogy of magma source, crustal assimilation, crystallization, differentiation, timing and mechanism of fluid release, crystal-melt and fluid-melt fractionation, formation of metal and sulfur-bearing complexes, alteration, and post-mineralization effects. The resonating theme and common thread throughout is the importance of modeling the whole system in our efforts to understand granite-related mineral deposits, calling upon process rather than focusing on source.
Published: 10/01/1990
ISBN Number: 0813722462
Pages: 364
Product Category: Special Papers