Full Title: Global Catastrophes in Earth History: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Impacts, Volcanism, and Mass Mortality
Editors: Virgil L. Sharpton and Peter D. Ward
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Fifty-eight papers that grew from the highly successful meeting at Snowbird, Utah, "Global Catastrophes in Earth History: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Impact, Volcanism, and Mass Mortality," the second "Snowbird Conference." Issues addressed relate to recognizing and understanding catastrophic extinction events and possible causes. The approach is from many directions including the paleontological record; planetary and astronomical constraints; the terrestrial impact and volcanic records; the chemistry, petrology, and sedimentology of boundary layers; geological and environmental modeling; and historical perspectives. Organized in the following six thematic sections: (1) Patterns of Mass Mortality: Models, Overviews, and Hypotheses; (2) Catastrophic Effects of Volcanism: Observations and Hypotheses; (3) Observations and Effects of Large-scale Meteorite Impact; (4) The K/T Boundary: The Geological Record; (5) The K/T Boundary: The Biological Record; and (6) Other Phanerozoic Extinctions. Each section begins with a keynote paper.
Published: 5/20/1991
ISBN Number: 0813722470
Pages: 631
Product Category: Special Papers