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Geology of the Solitario, Trans-Pecos Texas

Geology of the Solitario, Trans-Pecos Texas

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Authors: Charles E. Corry, Eugene Herrin, Fred W. McDowell, and Kenneth A. Phillips

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This area presents a range of geologic challenges: a virtually complete Paleozoic section of Cambrian through Pennsylvanian rock units, excluding Silurian, is exposed; the Ouachita Orogeny deformed and transported the Paleozoic rocks during Middle Pennsylvanian and Early Permian time; well-exposed Lower and Upper Cretaceous carbonate units correlate with Gulf Coast rocks of the same age; the Laramide orogeny uplifted the area at the end of the Cretaceous; the Tascotal uplift, on which the Solitario rests, has remained elevated; a laccolith with a volume of about 100 km3 formed the dome, which was eroded to its present level, then covered and protected until Pleistocene time by volcaniclastic rocks; and the Eocene topography has been resurrected during the Quaternary due to downcutting by the Rio Grande. This volume describes the stratigraphy, fossils, igneous and sedimentary lithology, volcanology, structural geology, geochemistry, geochronology, and geophysical surveys of the Solitario and vicinity.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 6/07/1991

ISBN Number: 0813722500

Pages: 122

Product Category: Special Papers