Editors: Efrén Pérez-Segura and César Jacques-Ayala
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This volume brings together several important contributions to the geology of Sonora, Mexico, during the past ten years. The geology of Sonora remains largely unknown; only in recent years have researchers realized the great importance this region plays in the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the southwestern margin of the North American continent. The contributors provide new insights into Paleozoic and Triassic stratigraphy and sedimentology. They present the first biostratigraphic work in the Cretaceous, as well as an integrative approach to Triassic-Cretaceous coal, and examine Cretaceous-Tertiary magmatism and sea-level changes along the Gulf of California.
Published: 7/26/1991
ISBN Number: 0813722543
Pages: 130
Product Category: Special Papers