Full Title: Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America-Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola
Editors: Paul Mann, Grenville Draper, and John F. Lewis
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The North American–Caribbean plate boundary has a complex geologic and tectonic history. The island of Hispaniola is one of the largest landmasses straddling the plate boundary and is a critical area for testing ideas for the development of the plate boundary as well as for the Caribbean region as a whole. The authors seek to establish a systematic geologic database and coherent stratigraphic nomenclature for Hispaniola, test recent models for the tectonic evolution of the island, provide a better integration of earth science disciplines to solve regional geologic problems, and establish Hispaniola as an important area for studying a variety of plate boundary zone processes at all scales. Included is a set of geologic maps of the Dominican Republic, incorporating most of the results reported in this volume.
Published: 6/26/1992
ISBN Number: 0813722624
Pages: 401
Product Category: Special Papers