Full Title: The Mechanisms of Recent Vertical Crustal Movements in Campi Flegrei Caldera, Southern Italy
Authors: John J. Dvorak and Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo
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In the past 2,000 years, uplift and subsidence of as much as several meters have occurred in Naples Bay, along the west coast of southern Italy. Ancient Greek and Roman structures, attesting to the continuous occupation of this area since the classical age, provide some evidence for vertical ground movement. Other evidence has been found in oceanographic surveys, geologic studies, and repeated geodetic surveys. Three components of ground movement are discussed: (1) a broad, regional subsidence related to opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea; (2) episodic uplift, confined to Campi Flegrei, an explosive caldera, caused by shallow intrusion of magma; and (3) localized subsidence within Campi Flegrei, possibly caused by removal of groundwater and compaction of volcanic sediments. Evidence also is presented for 0.5-m rise in sea level during the past 2,000 years.
Published: 9/09/1991
ISBN Number: 0813722632
Pages: 47
Product Category: Special Papers