Full Title: Tectonic Setting of Faulted Tertiary Strata Associated with the Catalina Core Complex in Southern Arizona
Author: William R. Dickinson
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The author discusses the stratigraphy, sedimentology, and tectonic setting of sedimentary assemblages related genetically to the evolution of a classic cordilleran metamorphic core complex. Particularly valuable are systematic descriptions of the geometric relationships of tilted homoclines of syntectonic strata to key structural elements of the core complex, and of the intricate local facies and paleocurrent patterns within the sedimentary sequences. Analysis of the sedimentary history associated with the development of a core complex affords important insights into tectonic mechanisms by providing information about the surface expression of deformation at depth.
Published: 10/04/1991
ISBN Number: 0813722640
Pages: 106
Product Category: Special Papers