Editors: Peter U. Clark and Peter D. Lea
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Transitions between glaciations and interglaciations represent times of significant and rapid global change. The most recent transition, from the last glacial maximum (ca. 18,000 yr B.P.) to the present interglaciation, has been intensively studied and represents one of the best documented events of Earth's history. In developing a comprehensive climate model of the ice ages, it is equally important to understand the geologic record of the transition from an interglaciation to a glacial maximum. Papers in this volume describe our current understanding of events during the last such transition, addressing, in particular, events associated with initiation and development of the glaciers and ice sheets in North America. Thus, these papers provide a continental perspective of the response of glaciers and ice sheets to climate-forcing following the last interglaciation.
Published: 10/07/1992
ISBN Number: 0813722705
Pages: 317
Product Category: Special Papers