Full Title: Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Geomorphology of the Bonneville Flood
Author: Jim E. O'Connor
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The late Pleistocene Bonneville Flood was a spectacular geomorphic event that left abundant erosional and depositional features in the Snake River drainage between Red Rock Pass and Lewiston, Idaho. This volume integrates geologic observations of flood features with hydrologic and hydraulic concepts and modeling techniques in order to understand the fluvial geomorphology of such an immense flood. The main chapters discuss the geologic evidence left by the Bonneville Flood, hydraulic reconstruction of the flood, and depositional and erosional processes in light of the hydraulic reconstructions. Several page-size maps and illustrations are included, and the organization of the volume makes it an excellent companion for field trips.
Published: 5/14/1993
ISBN Number: 0813722748
Pages: 83
Product Category: Special Papers