Full Title: Elk Lake, Minnesota: Evidence for Rapid Climate Change in the North-Central United State
Editors: J. Platt Bradbury and Walter E. Dean
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Reports the results and paleoenvironmental interpretations of geochemical, paleoecological, rock magnetic, and sedimentological analyses from Elk Lake, a small lake in west-central Minnesota with a varved Holocene sediment record. The varved record provides a detailed chronicle of limnological and climatic changes for the last 10 ky. Included are the glacial history and a 2,000-year fire and forest history of the Itasca region, the modern climatic-limnologic setting of Elk Lake, detailed analysis of varve petrology and sedimentation, and regional lake surface sediment studies used to help interpret past changes. Traces the succession of three geochemically, biologically, and environmentally different lakes that occupied the same basin sequentially.
Published: 6/07/1993
ISBN Number: 0813722764
Pages: 336
Product Category: Special Papers