Full Title: Tectonostratigraphic Terranes and Tectonic Evolution of Mexico
Authors: Richard L. Sedlock, Fernando Ortega-Gutiérrez, and Robert C. Speed
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This two-part work summarizes the current state of knowledge and the geology and tectonics of Mexico, and offers a reconstruction of the tectonic evolution of Mexico based on a synthesis of available data. Part 1 is a comprehensive geologic data base presented in the framework of seventeen tectonostratigraphic terranes. Data pertaining to each terrane are integrated via a review and synthesis of published and unpublished work, schematic tectonostratigraphic columns, tabulated radiometric data, and interpretations of the geologic history of the terrane and the kinematic history of terrane bounding faults; a bibliography is included. Part 2 is a model of the late Precambrian to Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Mexican terranes presented in Part 1. The Permian to Tertiary evolution is illustrated in a speculative paleographic reconstruction.
Published: 8/11/1993
ISBN Number: 0813722780
Pages: 153
Product Category: Special Papers