Full Title: Perspectives on the Eastern Margin of the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin
Editors: George W. Shurr, Greg A. Ludvigson, and Richard H. Hammond
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Cretaceous rocks deposited on the eastern margin of the Western Interior Seaway hold important information on unique depositional settings. Yet, the geology of rocks on the western margin and central areas has dominated the literature to date. Now, these 12 papers summarize the stratigraphy, paleobotany, geochemistry, and tectonics of the eastern margin. They include regional perspectives from the western margin and from the Gulf Coast; they integrate the lithologic, biologic, chronologic, and sequence stratigraphy of the Dakota Formation; they address paleobiology and geochemistry; and they describe tectonic features, including the Manson K-T impact site and other post-Cretaceous activity. The volume facilitates a more holistic view of the total seaway and fosters continuing studies of eastern-margin rocks.
Published: 8/01/1994
ISBN Number: 081372287X
Pages: 264
Product Category: Special Papers