Editors: Ina B. Alterman, Richard B. McMullen, Lloyd S. Cluff, and D. Burton Slemmons
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This work is an outgrowth of the 1987 GSA Symposium on seismotectonics of the central California coast ranges bringing together the newest information on the seismotectonics of the recent past and contemporary coastal California. It provides a wide range of studies of the region stretching from about San Simeon south to Point Conception and into the Santa Barbara Channel. The volume is subdivided into sections on (1) the tectonic setting of the offshore and onshore Santa Maria Basin, (2) the San Simeon/Hosgri fault system, and (3) the distribution and nature of seismicity in the region. It includes among the several techniques and topics soil science, paleoseismological analysis, calculations of Quaternary marine terrace uplift rates, structural and field stress analyses, geophysical instrumentation, and estimation of slip rates on Holocene faults. The studies and conclusions are relevant to academic directions of research, industry, and government agencies responsible for protecting the health and safety of the public.
Published: 10/11/1994
ISBN Number: 0813722926
Pages: 236
Product Category: Special Papers