Full Title: Elements of Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy, Central Appalachian Basin
Editor: Charles L. Rice
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Nine papers synthesize the conclusions of ongoing paleontological studies of coal spores, macrofossils, and microfossils, including a preliminary zonation of Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian conodonts in the central Appalachian basin, and establish a new Pennsylvanian stratigraphic framework for the basin. A biostratigraphic study is coordinated with the first well-constrained isotopic age developed for a Carboniferous horizon in North America. Component parts of key marine units are analyzed in terms of specific depositional environments within transgressive and regressive regimes. The papers name new stratigraphic units, reconcile old stratigraphic problems within and between the states by eliminating major miscorrelations, and demonstrate the correlation and continuity of key basinal biostratigraphic horizons. A cross-referenced glossary of both formal and informal stratigraphic terms provides what is essentially a comprehensive alphabetized correlation chart for the entire Pennsylvania System in the central Appalachian basin.
Published: 1/03/1995
ISBN Number: 0813722942
Pages: 155
Product Category: Special Papers