Full Title: Geologic and Tectonic Development of the Caribbean Plate Boundary in Southern Central America
Editor: Paul Mann
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This volume presents 17 papers on various aspects of the complex geologic and tectonic development of southern Central America, defined as the combined land areas of Panama and Costa Rica, and their adjacent offshore areas in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. This work represents a milestone in the integration of onland and marine geologic and geophysical data from this tectonically complex focal point among the Caribbean, Nazca, Cocos, and South America plates. The authors document the composition and paleomagnetic history of the Jurassic-Cretaceous crust beneath southern Central America; the composition and structure of the overlying Cretaceous/Tertiary volcanic arc; Neogene plate boundary faults and associated structures inferred from onshore and offshore mapping studies; and patterns of present-day seismicity and plate motions as inferred from seismological and GPS-based studies. These data establish southern Central America as an important area for the study of a variety of plate boundary processes that include patterns of long-term arc growth, arc-continent collision, tectonic escape, and deformational and geochemical effects produced by the subduction of seamounts and hotspot tracks beneath island arcs.
Published: 2/22/1995
ISBN Number: 0813722950
Pages: 349
Product Category: Special Papers