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Low-Grade Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks

Low-Grade Metamorphism of Mafic Rocks

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Editors: Peter Schiffman and Howard W. Day

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Mafic rocks recrystallized to the zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, and contiguous facies are found within a large part of Earth's crust, but particularly at divergent and convergent plate margins. Study of these low-grade metamorphic rocks can provide significant insights into understanding the thermal and chemical evolution of a diversity of tectonic settings, including mid-oceanic spreading centers, accretionary prisms, and island arcs and their adjacent sedimentary basins. Ten papers address the low-grade metamorphism of mafic rocks from a wide range of these settings and employ various research methodologies in problem solving. Virtually all of the authors are united in their attempts to extend the understanding of low-grade volcanic and related volcanogenic rocks beyond merely placing them within traditionally defined metamorphic facies. Rather, many of these papers present first-generation attempts at quantifying the P-T-X conditions and processes attending low-grade metamorphism of mafic rocks.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 3/30/1995

ISBN Number: 0813722969

Pages: 187

Product Category: Special Papers