Full Title: The Manson Impact Structure, Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater
Editors: Christian Koeberl and Raymond R. Anderson
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A comprehensive description of research on the 38-km-diameter Manson impact structure in north-central Iowa. This structure, one of about 20 confirmed impact structures in the U.S., was initially suspected as one factor in the K-T boundary drama. The possible association with the K-T boundary led to an increase in research on the Manson structure in the 1980s. Then, in 1991–1992 the Iowa Geological Survey Bureau and the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a Manson core-drilling program. The results of many of the investigations on samples of Manson cores and related studies are reported in this volume. The contents of the volume range from geophysical studies of the crater structure to detailed mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical investigations of rocks from the cores, and from the documentation of post-impact hydrothermal events to the study of possible distal impact deposits in South Dakota and Nebraska. These studies also have produced a more accurate age of Manson at about 74 Ma, discrediting theories that the Manson impact was associated with the K-T boundary events.
Published: 3/15/1996
ISBN Number: 0813723027
Pages: 468
Product Category: Special Papers