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Reconstructing the History of Basin and Range Extension

Reconstructing the History of Basin and Range Extension

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Full Title: Reconstructing the History of Basin and Range Extension Using Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Editor: Kathi K. Beratan

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The Mojave and Basin and Range structural provinces (southwestern United States) experienced a complex Neogene extensional history. Extreme southwest-directed extension in the Mid-Tertiary was accommodated by large, low-angle normal fault systems (detached faults), resulting in formation of metamorphic core complexes. Lesser amounts of extension during the late Tertiary and Quaternary were accommodated by north-south-trending high-angle normal faults, forming elongated, fault-bounded mountain ranges separated by broad valleys. Sedimentary and volcanic strata deposited during extension preserve a record of the structural events by recording changes in paleotopography through time. This volume highlights recent advances in the study of these synextensional strata. The variety of approaches includes field-based descriptive stratigraphic analysis, high-precision radiometric dating, detailed lithofacies analysis of depositional environments, seismic stratigraphy, computer modeling of basin geometries, biostratigraphy, and detailed field-based structural mapping. This volume grew out of a symposium held at the 1993 Cordilleran & Rocky Mountain Sections meeting.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 4/23/1996

ISBN Number: 0813723035

Pages: 203

Product Category: Special Papers