Full Title: Avalonian and Related Peri-Gondwanan Terranes of the Circum–North Atlantic
Editors: R. Damian Nance and Margaret D. Thompson
Along the southeastern margin of the Appalachian-Caledonide orogen lies a collection of suspect terranes traditionally associated with the eastern (Avalonian/Gondwanan) margin of the early Paleozoic Iapetus ocean, but which record histories of Neoproterozoic subductions that predate the inception of the Iapetus cycle. Recent advances in our knowledge of these terranes have dramatically improved our understanding of Neoproterozoic tectonics and the Paleozoic evolution of the Appalachian-Caledonian orogen, and are proving central to the development of continental reconstructions for the critical Precambrian-Cambrian boundary interval. These advances are the result of the use of precise zircon geochronology and discriminative geochemical and isotopic studies, the application of sequence stratigraphy and faunal analysis to sedimentary overstep successions, and the interpretation of these data in terms of Neoproterozoic continental configurations and peri-Gondwanan paleogeography. This volume documents these aspects with examples from all parts of the belt.
Published: 6/12/1996
ISBN Number: 0813723043
Pages: 390
Product Category: EBooks