Full Title: Kinematics of Transrotational Tectonism in the California Transverse Ranges and its Contribution to Cumulative Slip Along the San Andreas Transform Fault System
Author: William R. Dickinson
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The evolution of the San Andreas fault system as a transform plate boundary cannot be understood without taking into account the effects of transrotational tectonism in the California Transverse Ranges. Kinematic analysis of rotating crustal panels within the transform belt shows that Neogene transrotation has made a major contribution to net transform slip between the Pacific plate and the interior of the continent. The analysis shows that proper attention to transrotational effects is also crucial for understanding the tectonic history of the Mojave block, the eastern California sheer zone, the California Coast Ranges, the offshore continental borderland, and the Gulf of California. Proper analysis of continuing transrotation near the San Andreas fault is also vital for a valid appraisal of seismic hazard along the San Andreas fault itself and on associated thrusts responsible for several California earthquakes in recent years.
Published: 3/28/1996
ISBN Number: 0813723051
Pages: 46
Product Category: Special Papers