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Paleozoic Sequence Stratigraphy

Paleozoic Sequence Stratigraphy

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Full Title: Paleozoic Sequence Stratigraphy: Views from the North American Craton

Editors: Brian J. Witzke , Greg A. Ludvigson, and Jed Day

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Modern sequence stratigraphic ideas evolved in the petroleum industry during the 1970s and 1980s primarily from seismic investigations of Mesozoic-Cenozoic strata in basinal and continental margin settings. This volume refocuses on the Paleozoic cratonic heritage of sequence stratigraphy, with the additional perspectives from adjoining continental margins and foreland basins. Individual contributions evaluate a variety of stratigraphic, sedimentologic, diagenetic, geochemical, and paleontological problems within the common theme of sequence stratigraphy and depositional cycles. The authors adopt or adapt modern sequence stratigraphic concepts to varying degrees, and some examine the applicability of standard sequence stratigraphic terminology and paradigms to their Paleozoic examples. This volume covers topics spanning the Cambrian through the Permian, and provides a diversity of views focused within the North American craton.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 7/22/1996

ISBN Number: 081372306X

Pages: 446

Product Category: Special Papers