Full Title: The Third Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks
Editors: M. Brown, P.A. Candela, D.L. Peck, W.E. Stephens, R.J. Walker, and E-an Zen
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The subject of the origin of granites and related rocks has generated interest and controversy for more than 200 years. The invited papers in this volume, from the Third Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks, summarize the latest ideas concerning crustal anatexis, melt segregation, magma transfer, and granite emplacement into lower-grade upper-crustal rocks. Several papers summarize significant advances in our understanding of the physics and chemistry of melts and of the processes that are responsible for the chemical variation within and among granites. Understanding processes that produce economically important mineral deposits is fundamental if geology is to be used to support the economic development of humankind, and several papers address granite-related hydrothermal systems and mineral deposits, as well as granite pegmatites. The final paper assesses the status of granite science two centuries after the publication of Hutton's "Theory of the Earth."
Published: 11/01/1996
ISBN Number: 0813723159
Pages: 361
Product Category: Special Papers