Full Title: Permian Stratigraphy and Fusulinida of Afghanistan with their Paleogeographic and Paleotectonic Implications
Author: Ernst Ja. Leven
Editors: Calvin H. Stevens and Donald L. Baars
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An excellent overall study of the Permian Stratigraphy and fusulinid faunas of Afghanistan. All of the major stratigraphic sequences there are correlated with those of the adjacent Pamirs and are described, as are one new genus and 41 new species and subspecies of Permian fusulinid. These data are used to postulate that Afghanistan and the Pamirs consist of fragments of numerous diverse depositional basins that were crushed together during collision of the Indostanian and Laurasian plates. In the northern part of the region, fusulinid faunas and facies indicate that tropical conditions existed throughout the Permian. In the south, however, cold and then cool conditions in the Early Permian appear to have been followed by tropical conditions in the Middle Permian. The authors propose that this demonstrates the distance of convergence during the Early Permian must have been at least the width of one climatic belt.
Published: 3/10/1997
ISBN Number: 0813723167
Pages: 134
Product Category: Special Papers