Full Title: Architecture of the Central Brooks Range Fold and Thrust Belt, Arctic Alaska
Editors: John S. Oldow and Hans G. Avé Lallemant
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The 17 papers in this volume present the results of a decade of geological and geophysical research centered largely along a north-south transect through the central Brooks Range of Arctic Alaska. Investigations and results center on a comprehensive description of the rocks and their tectonic evolution from the foreland to the hinterland of the orogen; the geometry and kinematics of contractional and extensional structures, regional and local stratigraphic relations, thermochronology, and the deep crustal structure of the Brooks Range and parts of the North Slope; and detailed descriptions of the major lithotectonic assemblages composing the orogenic belt. This volume offers a unique perspective of a fold-thrust belt and should prove useful in the study of other contractional belts around the world.
Published: 8/21/1998
ISBN Number: 0813723248
Pages: 317
Product Category: Special Papers