Full Title: Active Strike-Slip and Collisional Tectonics of the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone
Editors: James F. Dolan and Paul Mann
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This volume presents an integrated set of four chapters on the geological, geophysical, and seismological nature of a 1,000-km-long segment of the active Caribbean-North America plate boundary between Puerto Rico and southern Cuba. The complex plate boundary zone revealed by these combined onland and offshore date encompasses an along-strike transition from oblique subduction to strike-slip deformation; a zone of active collisional underthrusting of high-standing Bahamas carbonate banks; a major restraining bend similar in character to the Big Bend region of the San Andreas fault system in California; and opposing subducted slabs that collide in the upper mantle beneath western Puerto Rico. This volume provides the first comprehensive descriptions of the Septentrional fault—the major plate-boundary, sinistral strike-slip fault—and the offshore zone of predominantly contractional deformation formed between the obliquely colliding Bahamas banks and the island of Hispaniola. This volume also discusses earthquakes, placing constraints on the mechanics and geometry of the deep plate boundary, as well as on the orientation of relative plate motions. This combined data set delineates the relations between plate motions, the active faults that accommodate these motions, the earthquakes generated by these faults, and the seismic hazards that the earthquakes pose to this densely populated and rapidly developing region.
Published: 10/27/1998
ISBN Number: 0813723264
Pages: 174
Product Category: Special Papers