Full Title: Late Cenozoic Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang, Red River, and Dali Fault Systems of Southwestern Sichuan and Central Yunnan, China
Authors: Erchie Wang, B.C. Burchfiel, L.H. Royden, Chen Liangzhong, Chen Jishen, Li Wenxin, and Chen Zhiliang
Not available in print
The Tibetan plateau and its surrounding mountain ranges and basins are a natural laboratory in which to study geological processes ranging from continental collision tectonics to effects of plateau development on climate. Three active fault systems, the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang, Red River, and Dali, offer clues about the extrusion of crustal fragments eastward from the Tibetan plateau, how far back into time the present pattern of deformation can be projected, and the relation between these fault systems and the intracontinental deformation of the India-Eurasia collision zone. The region of these fault systems is an example of rapid changes in partitioning of strain during 5 m.y. in a rotational tectonic regime.
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Published: 10/27/1998
ISBN Number: 0813723272
Pages: 108
Product Category: Special Papers