Full Title: Tectonosomes and Olistostromes in the Argille Scagliose of the Northern Apennines, Italy
Author: Gian Andrea Pini
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Every geologist interested in mélanges and in the evolution of orogenic belts will find this profusely illustrated volume valuable. A summary of the geology of the northern Apennines familiarizes the reader with this classic orogen. Field and laboratory studies reveal new information on the origin of the argille scagliose—scaly clays—in their type area in the northern Apennines of Italy. These stratally disrupted rocks, with prevailing block-in-matrix fabric, have been regarded for more than a century as gravitationally induced, chaotic assemblages. This 70-page volume includes a discussion of criteria for subdividing the argille scagliose, at both map and outcrop scales, into either strongly deformed stratigraphic units—tectonosomes, or sedimentary bodies emplaced by mass flow—olistostromes. Evidence shows that olistostromes mostly were derived from the tectonosomes. Debris flows and avalanches and, possibly, mud diapirism have contributed to the final character of the olistostromal bodies.
Published: 8/13/1999
ISBN Number: 0813723353
Pages: 70
Product Category: Special Papers