Editors: V.A. Ramos and J.D. Keppie
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More than 45 authors explore the tectonic interaction among the exotic terranes between Laurentia and southwest Gondwana. The authors reveal new data that sheds light on pre-Pangea connections between Laurentia and southwest Gondwana. These data concern the presence of Ollenelus and associated fauna in the Precordillera of central western South America; the common early Paleozoic paleomagnetic data; the presence of a large early Paleozoic carbonate platform distinct from the typical southwest Gondwanan clastic platforms associated with glacial deposits; and the exotic nature of the Grenville basement of this platform. Additional new data on Grenvillian basement terranes, such as Oaxaquia in Mexico, with typical early Paleozoic South American faunas, indicate some extra constraints on the Cambrian-Ordovician paleogeography between Laurentia and Gondwana.
Published: 2/28/2000
ISBN Number: 0813723361
Pages: 276
Product Category: Special Papers