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Structural Geology of the Colorado Plateau Region, Utah

Structural Geology of the Colorado Plateau Region, Utah

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Full Title: Structural Geology of the Colorado Plateau Region of Southern Utah, With Special Emphasis on Deformation Bands

Author: George H. Davis

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This 7-chapter volume features an abundance of high-quality of illustrations: space satellite images, aerial photographs, outcrop photographs, photomicrographs, maps, stereographic images, and line drawings. These images reveal that rocks of the Colorado Plateau region of southern Utah are surprisingly strongly deformed, especially in comparison to how they are generally regarded. Davis provides a detailed, integrated overview of the major structural and tectonic elements of the region, and discusses the rock column there in terms of mechanical stratgraphy. He also presents the results of comprehensive mapping and analysis of deformation band shear zones throughout the region, using orientations and kinematic characteristics of these bands as guides to strain environment and progressive deformation within and along the major structures. Finally, he integrates the regional structures and deformation bands in a tectonic context. Readers will be intrigued by the visual detail of the images and the mapping and analysis Davis adds to the text.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 10/22/1999

ISBN Number: 0813723426

Pages: 157

Product Category: Special Papers