Full Title: Ancient Lake Creede: Its Volcano-Tectonic Setting, History of Sedimentation, and Relation to Mineralization in the Creede Mining District
Editors: Philip M. Bethke and Richard L. Hay
Lake Creede was a late Oligocene closed-basin lake that existed in the moat of the Creede caldera in the central San Juan Mountains, Colorado. The lake evolved to moderate salinity, hosted brine shrimp, and precipitated ikaite (CaCO36H2O) on tufa mounds on the lake margins. Lake sediments comprise locally-derived volcanic ash and volcaniclastic material and contain varve-like beds of alternating siliciclastic and carbonate material. Authigenic pyrite is nearly ubiquitous. This book provides a comprehensive major update on the volcanic and geomorphic evolution of the central San Juans, examines the sedimentation and diagenic history of the volcaniclastic and carbonate lake sediments, traces the stable isotopic evolution of the lake and formation waters, and examines the relationship between the lake and the well-studied epithermal silver and base-metal mineralization in the Creede mining district.
Published: 10/08/2000
ISBN Number: 0813723469
Pages: 332
Product Category: EBooks