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Petrologic and Structural History of Tobago, West Indies

Petrologic and Structural History of Tobago, West Indies

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Full Title: Petrologic and Structural History of Tobago, West Indies: A Fragment of the Accreted, Mesozoic Oceanic Arc of the Southern Caribbean

Authors: Arthur W. Snoke, David W. Rowe, J. Douglas Yule, and Geoffrey Wadge

Petrologic, geochemical, and isotopic data for the igneous and metamorphic rocks exposed on Tobago, West Indies, indicate an origin in an intraoceanic-arc system. However, these Mesozoic rocks now form part of an allochthonous terrane (Tobago terrane) within the South American–Caribbean plate-boundary zone. Tobago provides an exceptional opportunity to study compositional and structural variations of an ancient oceanic-arc sequence at contrasting structural levels. A greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metavolcanic and metasedimentary schist belt forms the footwall block, whereas an Albian ultramafic to tonalitic plutonic suite and coeval Tobago Volcanic Group form the hanging-wall block of the plastic-to-brittle Central Tobago normal-sense fault system. This book is a detailed petrologic and structural analysis of the Mesozoic oceanic-arc crust exposed on Tobago. Geologic maps, cross sections, structural stereograms, detailed field and petrographic descriptions, and numerous photographs provide an extensive data base for comparison with other oceanic-arc rocks exposed throughout the Caribbean region as well as in other orogens.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 9/15/2001

ISBN Number: 081372354X

Pages: 54

Product Category: Special Papers