Full Title: Extreme Depositional Environments: Mega End Members in Geologic Time
Editors: Marjorie A. Chan and Allen W. Archer
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This compilation of papers is a synthesis of some of the largest depositional systems, designed to stretch our thinking beyond our sometimes limited uniformanitarianistic and actualistic views. The volume attempts to explore the hows and whys of sedimentary events that exceed the present norms by as much as orders of magnitude. The papers explore a range of sedimentary processes and deposits, from the present to the past, the normal to the unusual, and the rare to extreme. Recognition of extreme depositional systems allows us to better understand the range, scales, and variability of the geologic record and to better isolate what the most extreme conditions, role and magnitude of processes, or controls might be. The recognition of the extreme systems and understanding their controls provide insights that can be used to better model geologic systems, whether for understanding geologic history or for predictions and practical applications of resource exploration.
Published: 7/14/2003
ISBN Number: 0813723701
Pages: 281
Product Category: Special Papers