Full Title: Geology of a Transpressional Orogen developed during Ridge-Trench Interaction along the North Pacific Margin
Editors: Virginia B. Sisson, Sarah M. Roeske, and Terry L. Pavlis
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Many enigmatic features of convergent margins may be explained by a triple junction interaction involving subduction of a mid-ocean ridge, a common feature of plate tectonics, yet there are few documented case studies of the consequences of ridge-trench interaction. One of the best preserved ancient examples of ridge-trench interaction is exemplified by the Tertiary evolution of the northern North American Cordillera from Kodiak Island, Alaska, to Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This volume includes an overview of geologic expression of ridge subduction, and papers cover a wide range of themes: sedimentary basin evolution, structural effects, hydrothermal and metamorphic fluids, magmatic evolution of tonalite-trondhjemite suites, and time-transgressive effects, all relating to the tectonic evolution of the accretionary margin. Information in this volume will serve as an important template for future interpretations of other ancient convergent margins where this process may have occurred, but has not yet been recognized.
Published: 9/11/2003
ISBN Number: 081372371X
Pages: 380
Product Category: Special Papers