Editors: R.R. Hillis and R.D. Müller
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At a July 2000 session on the Australian Plate, held at the 15th Australian Geological Convention in Sydney, it was clear that the 1990s had seen an explosion of new geophysical, geochemical, and geological data for the Australian continent, and indeed for the wider plate. It was also clear that the application of new interpretation techniques in the earth sciences—especially numerical modeling—to these improved datasets was yielding a vastly improved level of understanding of the evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate. These new data and interpretations are combined in this single volume, providing a much-needed description of the state-of-the-science and helping reveal the new directions required to further illuminate the evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate. The volume’s many high-quality contributions include papers across the breadth of subdisciplines of the earth sciences and across the spectrum from data-rich to interpretation-rich, many using multiple datasets and presenting new data and interpretations. Although all the papers in this volume deal with the Australian Plate, the processes controlling the evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate are of global significance, as indeed are many of the problems specific to the Australian Plate. This volume is the first joint publication of the Geological Society of Australia and the Geological Society of America, in the form of a special publication of the former and a special paper of the latter.
(This volume is co-published simultaneously with the Geological Society of Australia as Special Publication No. 22, Evolution and dynamics of the Australian Plate.)
Published: 1/15/2004
ISBN Number: 1813723728
Pages: 430
Product Category: Special Papers