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Tectonic Evolution of NW Mexico and the SW USA

Tectonic Evolution of NW Mexico and the SW USA

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Full Title: Tectonic Evolution of Northwestern Mexico and the Southwestern USA

Editors: Scott E. Johnson, Scott R. Paterson, John M. Fletcher, Gary H. Girty, David L. Kimbrough, and Arturo Martín-Barajas

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This volume was assembled as a dedication to the career achievements of R. Gordon Gastil. The papers focus primarily on the Mesozoic and Tertiary tectonic evolution of Baja California and nearby regions of mainland México and southern California. The volume begins with an extensive tectonic overview with the goals pf summarizing our present understanding of the geology of Baja California, addressing several controversial issues and providing a framework for more detailed discussions in some of the remaining papers. The volume contains a wealth of modern analytical data and authoritatively explores regional issues. The accompanying CD-ROM contains valuable geochronological and geochemical data, color images, and out-of-print Geological Society of America maps. In particular, the CD-ROM contains the highly sought after geologic maps of northern Baja California published by Gordon Gastil and colleagues in 1975 as part of the Geological Society of America Memoir 140, Reconnaissance Geology of the State of Baja California.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 11/04/2003

ISBN Number: 0813723744

Pages: 478

Product Category: Special Papers