Full Title: Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Offshore Areas
Editor: Paul Mann
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Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands occupy a 450-km-long and 300-km-wide segment of the seismically active North America–Caribbean plate boundary zone. Geologic and seismological information on both onland and offshore plate boundary faults are critical for understanding the earthquake and tsunami hazards that these structures pose to a rapidly urbanizing island population of about 4 million inhabitants. This volume presents an integrated set of 15 chapters on the geological, geophysical, and seismological nature of late Quaternary plate boundary zone faults revealed by both onland and offshore studies. The volume chapters are grouped into four sections: (1) three introductory chapters establishing the regional tectonic setting of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and its offshore area using GPS-based geodesy and regional geologic information; (2) three chapters on the instrumental and historical seismicity of the region; (3) five chapters on the identification of late Quaternary faults in Puerto Rico and its shallow coastal areas using onland mapping, fault trenching, and offshore geophysical mapping; and (4) four chapters on seismic sources, ground amplification, and paleoliquefaction.
Published: 4/28/2005
ISBN Number: 081372385X
Pages: 287
Product Category: Special Papers