Full Title: Perspectives on Karst Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Geochemistry—A Tribute Volume to Derek C. Ford and William B. White
Editors: Russell S. Harmon and Carol M. Wicks
Over the past half-century, Derek C. Ford and William B. White established the foundation and framework within which geomorphological, hydrological, and geochemical studies of caves and karst are conducted in North America. This was accomplished through almost entirely independent, parallel, and complementary research and teaching career paths. This volume contains papers derived from a representative cross section of the papers presented at the GSA meeting plus a small number of additional volunteered contributions. The general theme of the book is the diversity and breadth of geomorphological, hydrological, and geochemical research currently being conducted by the karst research community in North America and around the world. Ford and White each have contributed a retrospective contribution reviewing the progress in karst geomorphology and speleogenesis and karst hydrology over the past half-century. The other contributions examine specifically how different facets of karst terrains are being studied in the early years of the twenty-first century.
Published: 5/31/2006
ISBN Number: 0813724047
Pages: 366
Product Category: EBooks