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High Geologic Slip Rates since Early Pleistocene Initiation

High Geologic Slip Rates since Early Pleistocene Initiation

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Full Title: High Geologic Slip Rates since Early Pleistocene Initiation of the San Jacinto and San Felipe Fault Zones in the San Andreas Fault System, Southern California, USA

Authors: Susanne U. Janecke, Rebecca J. Dorsey, David Forand, Alexander N. Steely, Stefan M. Kirby, Andrew T. Lutz, Bernard A. Housen, Benjamin Belgarde, Victoria E. Langenheim, and Tammy M. Rittenour

The San Jacinto right-lateral strike-slip fault zone is crucial for understanding plate-boundary dynamics, regional slip partitioning, and seismic hazards within the San Andreas fault system of southern California, yet its age of initiation and long-term average slip rate are controversial. This synthesis of prior and new detailed studies in the western Salton Trough documents initiation of structural segments of the San Jacinto fault zone at or slightly before the 1.07 Ma base of the Jaramillo subchron. In Special Paper 475, five new estimates of displacement are developed using offset successions of crystalline rocks; distinctive marker beds in the late Cenozoic basin fill; analysis of strike-slip–related fault-bend folds; quantification of strain in folds at the tips of dextral faults; and gravity, magnetic, and geomorphic data sets.

[ Table of Contents ]

Published: 1/01/2011

ISBN Number: 9780813724751

Pages: 48

Product Category: EBooks