125th Anniversary Volumes: Special Papers 500, 501, and 502
Editor: Marion E. Bickford
Written by preeminent scientists in several areas of applied geosciences, this volume addresses the impact of the geological sciences, during the past 50 years, in such areas as geologic hazards, mineral resources, energy resources, water resources, soil resources, geology and health, geologic education, and the informing of general public policy. The chapters focus on the ways that earth science informs and benefits society. Far more than mere catalogues of resources, the chapters often address controversial topics, such as hydraulic fracturing, and will be of keen interest to scientists in industry, government, and academia. This anniversary volume will also be particularly useful to students considering careers in the geosciences.
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Published: 9/24/2013
ISBN Number: 9780813725017
Pages: 201
Product Category: EBooks