Full Title: Reconstruction of a Late Proterozoic to Devonian Continental Margin Sequence, Northern Alaska, Its Paleogeographic Significance, and Contained Base-Metal Sulfide Deposits
Editors: Julie A. Dumoulin and Alison B. Till
The tectonic evolution of the Arctic remains a subject of considerable uncertainty. The unknown Paleozoic and Mesozoic movements of a large block of continental crust, the Arctic Alaska-Chukotka microplate, contribute significantly to that uncertainty. This volume presents research fundamental to understanding the origin, character, and movements of the microplate from the Late Proterozoic to the Devonian, and includes the first compelling evidence for a rift event that may have detached the Arctic Alaska-Chukotka microplate from the Timanide margin of Baltica. The integrated geologic, geochronologic, geochemical, isotopic, and paleontologic results presented in eight chapters were obtained from a penetratively deformed and metamorphosed blueschist terrane. This study demonstrates the power of modern research tools to penetrate the effects of orogenesis and reconstruct pre-deformational tectonic and paleogeographic histories.
Learn more about the book from the video interview with volume co-editor Gerta Keller.
Published: 8/06/2014
ISBN Number: 978-0-8137-2506-2
Pages: 258
Product Category: Special Papers